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Advertise with us on BusinessTrumpet
Advertise with us on BusinessTrumpet

Advertise your business, products, and services on BusinessTrumpet News and get your message to the right audience. Our advertising rates are tailored to suit your business and the pockets of SMEs. We help companies, SMEs, and entrepreneurs launch and maintain their market presence, reaching the right audience and making the right impact. Your ads could be banners, tests, links, or video ads. However, we do not accept advertisements for the lottery, gambling, religion, adult products, or firearms.

We adequately cover the business sector, featuring nine categories: business and economy, manufacturing and energy, SMEs and ventures, agricultural Business, entertainment and events, real estate and construction, global markets, business insights, and, business opportunities.  We have equally partnered with leading newswire and press distribution organizations to bring you the latest happenings in the global and international businesses. These include PRNewswire, Businesswire, African Press Organization (APO) and Globe news Wire.


We are a specialized business news platform with a very focused readership. Our readers are all highly educated experts, actively looking to improve their businesses, their career opportunities, and their lifestyle while doing this. You can reach this interesting audience through our various offerings of prominent website and newsletter exposure.

SPONSOR A POST OR AN ARTICLE IN BUSINESSTRUMPET NEWS. Are you considering sponsoring a post on our website? Here are some reasons why you should advertise with us:

With the current digital trend, it’s very obvious that content marketing is the way to go. Content marketing stays longer on the internet, can be accessed anywhere, and brings in repeated and continuous clients and businesses. On BusinessTrumpet News you can sponsor a post. A sponsored post can be any of the following:

  • Press releases
  • Advertorials
  • Video contents
  • Articles
  • Interviews

This kind of post is usually written to promote you, your products and services, or your business. Sponsoring a post will make your information permanently available on our website, shared with our thousands of social media followers, and passed along through our daily news updates to our subscribers and through weekly RSS feeds and newsletters.

To advertise with us, please call or contact: The Advert Team, BusinessTrumpet News, Email: [email protected] and Telephone: +2347034878543.

We accept banner ads, articles with back links, press releases, product ads, corporate ads, interviews, and event promotions. In addition, BusinessTrumpet News handles media, PR and news distribution for organizations and serves as partner to media distribution outlets.

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