BNI Abuja Region trains leadership and team members
The Abuja region of BNI Nigeria on Thursday February 03, 2017 trained 14 of its members to occupy leadership positions within the organization . The event which held at the BNI Abuja regional office on Labor house in Abuja had in attendance the National Director, Mr. Chimaobi Agwu, the Regional Director, Dr. Adebola Olubanjo, the Director Consultant, Ms Olufunmilayo Sobanjo, the President of the BNI Golden Chapter and Regional Director Abeokuta Region, Mrs. Kenny Olubanjo.
The Regional Director, Dr. Olubanjo explained that the training is designed to prepare both the new leadership team that would be assuming office from April 2017 and the outgoing leadership team for greater roles and challenges within the organization.
The National Director, Mr. Chimaobi Agwu enjoined the leadership team members to focus on creating a greater experience for the members and in helping them achieve greater returns on their investment.

The training covered essential aspects of the organization and qualities desired of leaders.
Business Network International otherwise globally known as BNI was founded in California USA in 1985. Over the years it has grown to become a global corporation operating in over 76 countries and with more 7,600 chapters around the World. As at December 2016 the organization had more than 211,000 members around the world and within the 2016 operating year generated businesses in excess of $11.2 billion for its members resulting in average member seat value (ROI) of $53,080.
The National Director for Nigeria further explained that BNI help’s its members grow their business through a structured, positive and professional referral program that enables them to develop meaningful, long-term relationships. In doing this, it admits only one person per professional classification per chapter.
BNI is today the largest and most successful business referral organization in the World and in August last year, its Founder and Chairman, Dr. Ivan Misner was decorated with the John Maxwell Leadership Award and received a $10,000 prize toward charity and shared the stage with internationally known leadership authority, John C. Maxwell. Ivan Misner, selected from thousands of nominees, epitomizes the leadership qualities to be named the recipient of the Maxwell Leadership Award.
Misner’s leadership vision focuses on the power of collaboration to change the way the world does business. BNI philosophy of Givers’ Gain is based on giving business to others and in turn receiving business. At the same time, its modus operadi of word of mouth referral marketing system has become renown globally through its successes since 1985.
In bestowing the award on Dr. Ivan Misner, John Maxwell said “What the world needs today is not the amazing deal, it needs the real deal. Ivan Misner is the real deal.”

The training of BNI leaders and members is a core aspect of BNI as one of its core values is life-long learning. The Nigerian Director further explained that this February and March, chapters in other parts of the country will undergo both the leadership and member success program (MSP) training while Director trainings are scheduled for Lagos and Abuja between the last week in February and first week of March 2017.
The Member Success Program training for the Abuja region was conducted on Friday February 03 at the Casalinda Hotels in Wuse 2, Abuja. The event had in attendance members of the Diamonds and Emeralds Chapters of BNI in Abuja.
BNI Nigeria aims to achieve a minimum ROI of N10 million per member in 2017 and is saying that they refuse to participate in Nigeria’s ongoing economic recession.
To learn more about BNI or join a chapter visit