2020 SOCAP Virtual Scholarship for Social Entrepreneurs
Application Deadline: July 17th 2020
Every year SOCAP receives hundreds of applications from ventures that are creating impressive social and environmental change in communities around the world. From that pool of applicants, SOCAP select up to 150 outstanding social enterprises to receive a scholarship for the flagship SOCAP Virtual conference on October 21 – 23, 2020.

The SOCAP Entrepreneur Scholarship includes…
- One free full conference pass to SOCAP20 Virtual (valued at $500)*
- Access to the Impact Accelerator@SOCAP (Exclusive content only for SOCAP Entrepreneurs, including keynotes from experts in the field, hands-on workshops, and networking) as well as exclusive Orientation Webinars to get the most out of the SOCAP experience
- Mentions on the SOCAP website, conference program book, and inclusion in our NEW SOCAP Investor LookBook
- The chance to interact with and present to investors during the conference*
- Distinctive status at SOCAP20 and FREE access to the new Abaca application (which helps connect entrepreneurs and investors virtually)
- Coming to the SOCAP conference offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to meet some of the world’s leading impact investors, network across industries, and make close connections with socially and environmentally-driven business leaders from across the world.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the SOCAP20 Virtual as a SOCAP Social Entrepreneur Scholarships 2020