
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland announces CFPs for International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs)

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) is seeking proposals from International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) to support them in Development Cooperation or in Human rights work.

The MFA can allocate development cooperation funds, subject to annual parliamentary approval in Finland, to INGOs whose activities support the implementation of Finland’s development policy priorities and goals including in the area of human rights, as well as the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.

INGO support is guided by Government Report on Development Policy of Finland (2016)  and by other relevant Ministry policy documents, such as Guidelines for Civil Society in Development Policy and Human Rights Based Approach in Finland’s Development Cooperation and the Finnish Government’s Human Rights Report and the related Strategy.

Thematic Focus Areas in 2019

The themes of work that will be supported in the current Call for Proposals are listed below. It is strongly recommended that the applicant chooses only one thematic area under which to apply for funding. Applicants are requested to clearly indicate under which thematic area they are applying for funds. Maximum one application per organisation can be successful in this Call.

  1. Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights globally, regionally and locally, especially among women and girls in vulnerable positions (persons with disabilities, minorities) and situations (humanitarian and fragile contexts): Particular focus will be given to sexual rights issues, such as promotion and provision of services including access to contraceptives, disability inclusive and youth friendly services and safe abortion.
    • Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-3 proposals with contract duration of 2 years (2019-2020). The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be maximum 5 million euros.
  2. Promotion of tax justice and transparency in the Sub-Saharan Africa: Priority will be given to initiatives that support civil societies’ capacity to hold governments accountable for increasing tax revenues and using them for public services.
    • Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-2 proposals with contract duration of 2 years (2019-2020). The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be maximum 1,5 million euros.
  3. Fostering an enabling environment for civil society, especially by enhancing freedom of speech and civil society’s opportunities for influencing policymaking: Priority will be given to applicants whose work includes innovative ideas and strong advocacy work when it comes to freedom of speech, the space for Civil Society and the ways of working with the Civil Society.
    • Grant allocated by Unit for Civil Society. Financing will be available for 0-2 proposals with contract duration of 2 years (2019-2020). The total amount to be allocated for the theme will be maximum 0,5 million euros.
  4. Ending Impunity for human rights violations, increasing accountability and strengthening victims’ access to justice: Priority will be given to applicants whose work is focused on capacity building, advocacy, legal work and robust research with view to ending impunity and identifying and addressing obstacles related to accountability and access to justice for victims of human rights violations.
    • Grant allocated by the Unit for Human Rights Policy. Financing will be available to 0-1 proposals with contract duration of 2-3 years (between 2019-2021). The total amount of funding available for this thematic area is maximum 1 million euros.
  5. Supporting Human Rights Defenders and fostering an enabling environment for promotion of the work of human rights defenders: Priority will be given to applicants whose work is focused on monitoring the situation of human rights defenders, capacity building, development of analytical tools for the work of human rights defenders, support for human rights defenders under risk of attack through legal work and advocacy, as well as material support.
    • Grant allocated by the Unit for Human Rights Policy. Financing will be available to 0-3 proposals with contract duration of 2-3 years (between 2019-2021). The total amount of funding available for this thematic area is maximum 3 million euros.
  6. Strengthening legal implementation to address discriminatory practices impeding economic social and cultural rights: Priority will be given to organisations promoting the economic, social and cultural rights of groups in vulnerable situations and working for the elimination of discrimination and marginalization in development.
    • Grant allocated by the Unit for Human Rights Policy. Financing will be available to 0-1 proposals with contract duration of 2-3 years (between 2019-2021).  The total amount of funding available for this thematic area is maximum 1 million euros.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grants to INGOs may be either core funding or project support channeled to activities in developing countries.
  • Core funding can be granted only to INGOs that meet the eligibility criteria for ODA, set by OECD/DAC (chapter 1).
  • In case an organisation does not satisfy the ODA eligibility criteria, project support may be earmarked to activities at a project level that are ODA eligible.
  • From the point of view of the development cooperation funding, the MFA considers INGOs to be non-profit organisations that operate politically and administratively independent of governments. The successful INGO candidates will sign an agreement with the MFA and agree to follow the General Terms and Conditions, Reporting instructions and Ethical Code of Conduct for the Government Grant. In its funding decision the MFA can set additional terms regarding the use of the government grant.
  • In order to be eligible for support the INGO and its proposal have to meet the following Minimum Requirements.
    • The INGO has to have:
      • at least three different nationalities represented in its governing structures
      • operations in more than two countries
      • been registered and/or legally competent for at least two years
      • funding from at least one other source
    • The project/programme proposal must:
      • contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
      • be aligned with the objectives set in the Government Report on Development Policy
      • be human rights-sensitive, at the very least, as defined in the human rights-based approach guidance note.
      • adhere to results based management.
      • Include indication on the thematic area under which funding is applied for.
      • Take into account gender equality, non-discrimination (incl. persons with disabilities) and climate change.

 How to Apply

Applicants can download the application form via given website.

For more information, please visit https://um.fi/support-for-international-non-governmental-organizations-ingos-

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