
2019 Global Development Network Fellowship in Applied Development Finance for young researchers (€ 15,000 stipend)

Application Deadline: May 5th 2019

The EIB-GDN Program in Applied Development Finance, an innovative program created by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Global Development Network (GDN), now in its third year, provides qualified young researchers from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions a practical opportunity to apply their academic training to assess real-world private sector investments.

Under the guidance of top international experts in evaluation and impact assessment, research professionals from ACP countries, inducted into the program through a stringent selection process, will conduct ‘deep dive’ studies of projects funded under the EIB’s Impact Financing Envelope (IFE) to deepen understanding of the EIB’s investment operations in the ACP region.

GDN is seeking to induct up to 10 research professionals from ACP countries to constitute the research team for the third cycle of the program (2019-2020). The Fellowship will be over a period of one year, beginning in September 2019. Successful applicants will be inducted into the program as Candidate Fellows.

They will attend a capacity- building workshop in September 2019 at EIB headquarters in Luxembourg, where they will learn about relevant evaluation methodologies and analytical techniques, and will be familiarized with the EIB and its operations. They will subsequently be tasked, over a period of one year, with carrying out deep dive studies into the results and impacts of selected projects, funded under the IFE.

The inductees will be aided and guided by Expert Advisors (EAs) and expected to take on board feedback from the EIB and from the private sector companies they work with, but will mostly be expected to work independently. Upon completion of all program requirements, the inductees will receive certification as EIB-GDN Fellows in Applied Development Finance, and will become part of a knowledge network in evaluation and development finance.

Fellowship Value and Other Support 
Each Fellow will receive a stipend of € 15,000 and a research grant of up to € 10,000 to cover all direct and indirect costs of conducting the evaluation.  GDN will provide research management, administrative and logistical support.

The Fellowship is open only to nationals of ACP countries. Applications from Caribbean nationals, especially from the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Haiti, are especially encouraged.

Additional Information
More details about the program and the application process are available here. Know more about the program. For questions about the Fellowship, write to Anindya Chaudhuri, Senior Economist, GDN at achaudhuri@gdn.int, marking copies to Abhay Gupta, Consultant, abhayg@gdn.int and EIB.2016@gdn.int.

Application Instructions
To apply, please visit https://gdn.catsone.com/careers. The last date for submission of application is 5-May-2019. Applications received afterwards may be considered only on a contingency basis.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the EIB-GDN Program in Applied Development Finance

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