AstraZeneca’s Young Health global grants Programme 2020 for youth-focused non-profits (US$10,000 grant)
Application Deadline: Monday 12 October 2020.
AstraZeneca’s Young Health global grants programme funds youth-focused non-profits to help them develop and deliver effective health promotion programmes – especially in under-resourced and marginalised communities in low- and middle-income countries.

StepUp!, part of AstraZeneca’s Young Health global grants programme, aims to extend the reach and impact of AstraZeneca’s investment in young people’s health.
It builds on the success of the Young Health Programme and helps NGOs and charitable non-profits engaged in youth-centred health promotion to innovate and scale up their impact, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (health and wellbeing).
Innovation and fresh thinking are required more than ever at this time of COVID-19 pandemic to meet health and wellbeing challenges for young people.
- Have a positive impact on the young people involved in the programmes that we support and the communities that they serve
- Learn about what really works in youth health promotion
- Increase wider understanding of health and wellbeing initiatives for young people
And to generate:
- Case studies and other evidence of promising approaches
- Opportunities for future collaboration and investment
Grants available
- StepUp! provides grants of up to US$10,000 to help small, innovative, youth-focused and youth-led non-profits to deliver well being promotion messages effectively in under-resourced and marginalised communities worldwide, taking account of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- NCD risk behaviours, such as tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, insufficient physical inactivity, and exposure to air pollution, often start in adolescence and go on throughout adult life. Reducing these NCD risk behaviours in youth can improve the lives of young people today, in their future adult lives and those of their children.
The fund is open to registered NGOs and non-profit charitable organisations managing youth-focused projects for well being promotion or NCD prevention. Organisations must be ‘funding-ready’ and able to provide appropriate documentation to verify their charitable status and financial situation.
Organisations which have been funded previously by AstraZeneca are welcome to apply, but not for the same project that was previously supported.
What can be funded?
We are seeking grant applications for projects which:
- Take place in under-resourced and marginalised communities
- Address the needs of young people aged 10-30, and/or be youth-led
- Are focused on health promotion
- Show innovation in approach, settings or implementation
- Can provide evidence at the conclusion of the project of what has been delivered, as well as outcomes and what has been learned
- Can be completed within 12 months of grant payment (ideally by March 2022).
Priority will be given to projects that:
- Demonstrate a response to the ‘new normal’ of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Operate in low- or mid- income countries, as defined by the World Bank
- Are run by non-profits with an annual income of less than US$1 million
- Utilise technology and digital health solutions
- Address health disparities
- Are inclusive, addressing the needs of vulnerable young people and especially those with limited access to education
- Focus on NCD risk behaviours such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, the harmful use of alcohol, and exposure to air pollution
- Aim to engage other stakeholders to make a wider difference in the world
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the AstraZeneca’s Young Health global grants Programme 2020