Business and Economy

Invest as low as N5,000 in FGN Savings Bond & Earn Quarterly Income at 11.276% and 12.276%

We are pleased to inform you that the FGN Savings Bond auction for the month of April has commenced and will be auctioned from Monday, April 1st – Friday, April 5th, 2019.

The 2-year FGN Savings Bond due April 10, 2021 and 3-year FGN Savings Bond due April 10, 2022 will be offered at 11.276% and 12.276% per annum respectively. Please see details below:

2 Years 10-Apr-21 11.276%
3 Years 10-Apr-22 12.276%


Opening Date Monday, April 1st, 2019
Closing Date Friday, April 5th, 2019
Settlement Date Wednesday, April 10th, 2019
Coupon Payment Dates July 10th, October 10th, January 10th, April 10th

What is the Savings Bond?
The bond is targeted at low income earners to encourage savings and also earn more income (interest) when compared with their savings account with banks.

  • Minimum subscription of N5,000.00 (additional investments in multiples of N1,000) and a maximum of N50,000,000.00.

What are the Benefits of Savings Bond?

  • Interest income from savings bond are tax free,
  • A competitive fixed interest rate to be paid every quarter,
  • The savings bond is considered liquid as it would be tradeable on the Nigerian Stock Exchange,
  • The FGN Savings Bond Certificate can be used as collateral for loan,
  • It offers guaranteed return, and encourages financial inclusion among low income households,
  • It enables individuals to enjoy those benefits which accrue to high net-worth investors in the capital market.

How do I Invest?
Afrinvest Securities Limited is one of the agents designated by the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) to offer this service to their clients. To invest in savings bond through Afrinvest Securities Limited, you would be required to fill the subscription form (and submit KYC documents), also indicating the amount you want to buy.

To indicate your interest and for further enquiries, kindly send an email to


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