Business Insights

Learn How to Safeguard Your Business from Attacks – Invite to Cybersecurity Training

In today’s digital landscape, the threat of cyber attacks looms large, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who often lack the resources and expertise to effectively combat these threats. That’s where Founder’s Institute cybersecurity training program comes in. With a clear objective in mind, our program aims to empower SMEs with the necessary knowledge and skills to not only identify potential cyber threats but also prevent and respond to them effectively.

By instilling a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees, our program seeks to create a strong line of defense against malicious actors. We understand that the security of your organization is of utmost importance, and that’s why we offer this opportunity for you to acquire vital knowledge that will help safeguard your business against cyber threats.

Through our comprehensive training modules, participants will learn about the latest preventive measures and proactive steps that can be taken to protect their company’s sensitive data and operations. From understanding the different types of cyber threats to implementing robust security measures, our program covers it all.

Registration Details

  • Panelists include: Zareefa Mustafa: Manager, Cybersecurity at NITDA
  • Cybersecurity Training: Learn How to Safeguard Your Business from Attacks
  • Date: 5:30pm, Jan 15, 2024 (Africa/Casablanca)
  • RSVP:

Our expert trainers, who have years of experience in the field of cybersecurity, will guide participants through real-life scenarios and practical exercises, ensuring that they gain hands-on experience in dealing with cyber threats. From identifying phishing attempts to securing networks and systems, participants will develop the skills needed to effectively combat cyber attacks.

Furthermore, our program goes beyond just technical knowledge. We also emphasize the importance of creating a cybersecurity culture within organizations. Participants will learn how to educate and train their employees on best practices, ensuring that everyone in the organization is equipped to play their part in maintaining a secure environment.

In conclusion, our cybersecurity training program is designed to equip SMEs with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively combat cyber threats. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and providing practical training, we aim to strengthen the overall security of organizations. Don’t miss this opportunity to protect your business and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Enroll in our program today and take the first step towards a more secure future.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Benefit 1:  Data Protection and Backup 
  • Benefit 2:  Endpoint Security for SMEs 
  • Benefit 3:  Risk Assessment Basics 
  • Benefit 4:  Compliance and Legal Aspects 


  • Panelists include: Zareefa Mustafa: Manager, Cybersecurity at NITDA
  • Cybersecurity Training: Learn How to Safeguard Your Business from Attacks
  • Date: 5:30pm, Jan 15, 2024 (Africa/Casablanca)
  • RSVP:

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