Tekedia Capital Launched: Makes two Africa focused investments
Tekedia Capital has been launched and made its first two investments (a digital bank in Nigeria ( Pass Nigeria) and digital-tech in energy downstream sector in California (TradeGrid California, USA) with focus in Africa).
Let’s #BuildAfricaTogether.
Tekedia Capital offers a specialty investment vehicle (or investment syndicate) which makes it possible for citizens, groups and organizations to co-invest in innovative startups and young companies in Africa. Capital from these investing entities are pooled together and then invested in a specific company or companies.
Tekedia focus is on companies with primary operations in Africa even though they may be legally domiciled within or outside Africa.
We invest in mainly technology-anchored companies and are sector-agnostic which means those companies could be operating in any industry, including finance, real estate, education, health, logistics, etc.
The opportunity is open for individuals in Africa, Africans in diasporas, global citizens in any place in the world, investment groups and organizations around the world. This is the era of opportunity. Yes, a cambrian moment for the creation of new wealth, and we want you to get excited about the promises of the future. Click and learn more.
We invite all nations, all organizations, and all people of the world to partner with us to build the next Africa. Through our playbook, and with a minimum of $10,000, everyone can have access to Africa-operating category-king companies, which are changing the ordinance of markets, and accelerating human welfare, community advancements and wealth in nations.
Click here to learn more, watch the short video, and schedule to speak with us [email capital@fasmicro.com].
The Tekedia Capital The Process
Tekedia Capital provides a trusted and secure platform for individuals, institutions and investment groups anywhere in the world to invest at least $10,000 in technology-anchored companies with focus on Africa. The process flow is as follows:
- Step 1: Prospective investor schedules an appointment, asks questions and learns about Tekedia Capital and its processes. We actually want to know you as this journey will be long. Email capital@fasmicro.com and our team will schedule an appointment.
- Step 2: Investor pays an annual fee for 12-month access in Tekedia Capital deal flow.
- Step 3: Tekedia onboards the member and then shares vetted deal flows with the investor for consideration.
- Step 4: Investor invests or co-invests with others. Each investor is encouraged to invest at least $10,000 and investment cycles are typically quarterly. The timing would be communicated to the investor to enable planning.
Fees & Cost Structure
- Annual Fee of $1,000: Tekedia Capital charges $1,000 annual fee which includes an investor in Tekedia Capital deals for 12 months. This fee is used to run administrative activities, research & development, due diligence on startups, and perform routine paperworks in the business. If after a year, the investor could decide not to renew the annual fee. This could be because the investor has invested in enough startups or for any other reason. Largely, if the investor does not renew, Tekedia Capital will stop sharing deal flows with that investor. Even with that, the investor will remain connected with Tekedia Capital for any previous investment made.
- Carried interest of 20%: Carried Interest is a performance-based compensation system that aligns investors’ interest with Tekedia Capital towards incentivizing the team to outperform by discovering category-king startups, and nurture them to exit. For example, if an investment of $100,000 is exited at $1,000,000, the investor will receive first the principal of $100,000, and then another $720,000, which represents 80% of the profits earned. Tekedia Capital team receives $180,000.
Exit and Investment Duration
We understand that exits via the typical paths like IPOs and acquisitions are still evolving in Africa. More so, most startups rarely pay dividends early in their growth phases. Yet, Tekedia Capital will work where opportunities are available for investors to exit in portfolio startups as they raise higher rounds, once they attain higher valuations. Nonetheless, investors should expect at least 5-10 years before any exit could materialize.
Investment Risk
Early stage investment is generally risky even as the reward is also huge. Any investment will involve a high degree of risk of loss of the entire investment amount. Nonetheless, we bring our domain expertise and knowledge of the market to reduce the risks by vetting companies and their leaders. Yet, we expect investors to understand the risk barometer on companies they want to invest towards being in the right comfort zone.
General Contacts:
For prospective investors & startups looking for funds: capital@fasmicro.com