Manufacturing and Energy

Daystar Power to install 2MWh battery storage system for Nigerian Breweries

Nigerian Breweries and Daystar Power, a top African supplier of hybrid solar power solutions for companies and industrial manufacturers, inked a deal for the installation and management of a 4.2MWp solar plant and a 2MWh battery storage system. For an industrial firm in Nigeria, the installation will be among the biggest solar and battery storage projects ever.

At Nigerian Breweries’ Lagos brewery, the hybrid solar system would produce 5,249 MWh of electricity annually, or 42% of its daytime power usage. Over the course of the installation’s 20-year lifespan, the factory will be able to eliminate an estimated 31.4 million gallons of diesel and offset an estimated 84,758 tons of CO2 due to the integration of solar energy into its energy mix.

Nigerian Breweries, a Heineken subsidiary, is one of the top producers in the nation, creating some of the most well-known and recognizable drinks, such as Maltina and Star Beer. Heineken has pledged to decarbonize its own production by 2030 and its entire value chain by 2040. Part of this commitment includes the agreement to design, implement, and operate a hybrid solar and battery storage facility with Daystar.

“We are excited to begin this significant project, one of the biggest in our portfolio in Nigeria, by entering into a deal with Nigerian Breweries. “We are incredibly happy to assist Heineken in expediting its utilization of renewable energy,” declared Jasper Graf von Hardenberg, CEO of Daystar Power.

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