Business and Economy

Exports from African businesses using the ANKA Platform Increase by 50%, as Women take the lead 

Global African Commerce, a white paper co-published by ANKA, the “all in one” Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for African firms, and the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the Fashionomics Africa Program, has been released. The study provides a comprehensive worldwide examination of the condition of African e-commerce, including the whole entrepreneurial path from product creation to international distribution. It is an updated version of ANKA’s 2018 edition. The report explores millions of data points from customer interactions around the world in an effort to spark discussion on the phenomenal rise in African entrepreneurship.

The company has also announced the opening of the “ANKA Growth Club,” a revolutionary initiative created in collaboration with Prosper Africa to assist small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to export goods to the United States.

Global African Commerce provides quantitative information about the e-commerce environment in Africa, illuminating the distinct challenges and opportunities that African business owners must contend with. A noteworthy discovery from the research is the noteworthy influence on employment generation. By growing their teams by an astounding 50%, entrepreneurs utilizing the platform have seen significant growth in their firms, creating job possibilities and proving the platform’s ability to stimulate job creation.

In its white paper, ANKA describes how the platform is creating new work prospects for young people, with a continental median age of 18.8 years.

ANKA is fast becoming the de facto platform for female entrepreneurs and a source of insight into their experiences running small and medium-sized businesses, with over 72% of its vendors identifying as women. Regarding the influence that African trade is having on international exports, the white paper points out that 50% of business owners ship their items through the platform (thanks to ANKA’s historic collaboration with DHL), potentially positioning ANKA as the continent’s biggest exporter of goods.

Additional noteworthy points from the white paper consist of:

The discovery showed, despite offering discounts, merchants that employed machine learning techniques were able to increase website traffic but did not see a rise in sales; interestingly, the only action that increases the likelihood of a product being sold again is updating it frequently!

The potential for “stockless” selling through constant product enhancement, market demand adaptation, and the development of a thorough and nuanced understanding of clients.

An exploration of the joint opportunities that companies can take advantage of to enhance shipping offerings and payment methods, which are critical to increasing efficiency and preventing fraud.

Although the white paper emphasizes the expansion of the African e-commerce industry, it also doesn’t hold back when pointing out the challenges faced by business owners. For example, 59.7% of female entrepreneurs and SME owners on the continent say that their inability to obtain financing is the biggest thing impeding their aspirations for growth. This important research emphasizes how urgently the disparity needs to be addressed with targeted support and solutions.

Thus, The “ANKA Growth Club” was established to encourage entrepreneurs, particularly women who are frequently overtrained and underfunded, in keeping with its commitment to SME empowerment.

It will provide a range of activities and chances, such as online and offline exposure (via US pop-ups), funding options through loans of up to USD 75,000, industry expert mentorship, and a strong network of like-minded business owners committed to attaining remarkable growth.

Moulaye Tabouré, CEO and co-founder of ANKA, stated during the white paper and ANKA Growth Club launch, “I am very excited to share this as a starting point for more efficient collaborations and actions.” Beyond platitudes, our company’s aim is centered about helping African entrepreneurs. Because of this, this white paper is more than simply a report—rather, it’s a game-changer that offers a singular viewpoint that will enable us to transform the e-commerce industry, empower women, and unleash the full potential of African creativity and entrepreneurship.

He goes on, “The ANKA Growth Club is a major advancement in our goal of helping SMEs enter international markets. African business owners have a great opportunity to expand their clientele and business by entering the US market. We’re not simply offering assistance through the ‘ANKA progress Club,’ but we’re also cultivating the contacts, knowledge, and possibilities that will propel innovation and economic progress. We’ll open doors and clear the path for a new chapter in African business’s international debut together.

It invites stakeholders to collaborate in identifying and addressing challenges while appreciating positive aspects and seeking opportunities for continuous improvement. The findings in the white paper were obtained using 9500+ answers collected and analyzed from the questionnaires sent to customers, sellers, and affiliates (including thousands of non-ANKA customers). It encourages stakeholders to work together to recognize and resolve issues while recognizing advantages and looking for chances for ongoing progress.

The white paper’s conclusions were derived from an analysis of over 9500 responses to surveys that were distributed to affiliates, vendors, and customers (including thousands of non-ANKA customers). Data-driven insights and knowledge development are crucial for effectively navigating the intricate fashion value chain in the ever-changing African fashion scene. Fashionomics Africa prioritizes data and market intelligence to improve knowledge of this sector and all of its facets.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Anka on this report,” stated Basil Jones, the African Development Bank Group’s Lead Gender Program and Policy Coordinator.

“This collaboration’s research and findings will significantly contribute to improving the African fashion ecosystem’s positioning and offering more profound understanding of e-commerce prospects,” he continued.

According to CrossBoundary Group Managing Director Stephen Murray, “The US has the biggest and most competitive apparel market in the world.” Success in the $350 billion market requires more than just great design, as there are other companies competing for a piece of the pie. The Anka Growth Club offers leading African fashion firms the opportunity to learn how to better navigate the market, form the correct alliances, and gain access to resources designed expressly to assist exports from Africa to the United States.

The results clearly show that ANKA has had success working with African entrepreneurs thus far. In just four short years since its founding, the network has grown to boast 20,000 dealers in 100 nations (45 of the 54 on the continent), over 30,000 users, a million followers, and $50 million in transactions over 175 countries. ANKA persists in advocating for the vast opportunities that exist for entrepreneurs to prosper and acknowledges the necessity of expertise in obtaining the necessary resources, forming strategic alliances, and employing inventive methods that are essential for accomplishment.

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