Entertainment and Events

LCCI International Business Conference & Expo 2024 to hold in August

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industries has concluded arrangements for its hosting of the LCCI International Business Conference & Expo 2024 which will take place at the Eko Hotel and Suites from the 27th to the 28th of August 2024. The 2024 International Business Conference & Expo has the theme: Invest Nigeria.

The LCCI therefore invites you to join the World’s great gathering of Heads of Government, Business Headers, Foreign Investors, Innovators and Diplomats at the 2024 International Business Conference and Expo as the world connects on this global platform!

According to the organizing committee, the goals of the conference and expo, which has the support and backing of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Commerce, are threefold, namely:

  1. Introduce 15 Unicorn Companies to the Nigerian Economy.
  2. Signing of Landmark Trade Agreements
  3. Facilitate the setting up of 1500 new start-ups across Africa.

Some of the highlights of the International Business Conference & Expo include:

  • Business Conference headlined by the Nigerian Presidency
  • Invest in Africa Session: Global Business Roundtable
    with Government and Business leaders from around the world discussing about investing in Africa (Ministerial Level
  • Four Government to Government meetings
  • Expo session with over 50 Countries represented
  • Regulatory Session with 15 Federal and State Agencies on regulations for doing business in Nigeria
  • Great Business networking opportunities
  • Signing of new MOU’s and landmark investment deals
  • States Session with the Governors of Five States in Nigeria, with the best incentives for foreign & local investments
  • Countries session on landmark investment opportunities for bilateral agreements

Established in 1888, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry stands as the leading Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria. Its official registration as a non-profit organization took place in 1950, operating under the Companies Act of 1948.

With a remarkable membership base of more than 4,000 corporate entities, it holds the position of being the primary private sector association in Nigeria. Furthermore, it plays a pivotal role in the nation’s economy, contributing approximately 60% to industrial output, 65% to general commerce, and 75% to financial services. You are invited to REGISTER HERE to participate in the LCCI International Business Conference & Expo 2024 to hold in August

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