Entertainment and Events

Merck Foundation introduces First Diabetes Awareness Animation film called “Sugar Free Jude”

Merck Foundation (www.Merck-Foundation.com), the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, launched The First Diabetes Animation Movie “SUGAR FREE JUDE” with the goal of fighting diabetes and raising awareness about its prevention and early detection, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and youth in Africa and around the world.

Watch the animation film “Sugar Free Jude” here: https://apo-opa.info/3PbMbhC

Senator Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation, stated, “I am very happy to release the first animation film about fighting Diabetes ” Sugar free Jude” after rehearsing a children’s book of the same story and for the same purpose, thus in collaboration with the African First Ladies.” We want to encourage our people to quit eating sugar, exercise frequently, eat properly, and never smoke, as this is the only way to eradicate diabetes and hypertension and lessen its effects.

All of our animated films will help to spread this message not only to youngsters but also to adults in a fun way. We plan to launch it in French, Portuguese, and local languages in the near future.”

The animated film is an adaptation of the Merck Foundation’s children’s storybook ‘Sugar Free Jude,’ which tells the narrative of a student named Jude who is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes as a result of his regular consumption of sugary drinks and sweets. Jude was able to manage his health condition because to the help of his family, friends, and teachers at school, and he became a diabetes ambassador in his school and community.

“I urge everyone to share our animation movie on as many platforms as possible, including social media, TV stations, websites, and waiting areas of hospitals and clinics, schools, and clubs, to support our efforts in fighting diabetes in Africa every day,” Senator Rasha Kelej stated.

Diabetes is becoming more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa. Type 2 diabetes, the most frequent type, is growing increasingly common as a result of increased obesity rates, poor diets, physical inactivity, and urbanization. According to recent data, 24 million persons aged 20 to 79 years live with diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the number expected to climb to 33 million and 55 million by 2030 and 2045, respectively, owing to a high proportion of undiagnosed cases.

Furthermore, the Merck Foundation National Diabetes Blue Points Program, in collaboration with African First Ladies, Ministries of Health, Medical Societies, and Academia, works to increase access to equitable and high-quality diabetes and hypertension care across Africa.

“I am very proud to share that, as part of our Nationwide Diabetes Blue Points Program, 735 scholarships of one-year Diploma and two-year Master Degree in Diabetes, cardiovascular preventive, Endocrinology, Cardiology, and Obesity & weight management have been provided for doctors from 43 countries.” This includes a Master Course in Diabetes Management for French, Portuguese, and Spanish-speaking countries, ensuring geographic coverage and helping to reshape the landscape of diabetes treatment throughout Africa and beyond,” Dr. Rasha Kelej highlighted.

The Merck Foundation’s pan-African television program “Our Africa,” which is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and features African Fashion Designers, Singers, and prominent experts from various domains with the goal of raising awareness and creating a culture shift across Africa, has special episodes dedicated to diabetes awareness and promoting healthy lifestyle.

You may watch the episodes here:

  • For Episode 1 – https://apo-opa.info/3IfqqdE
  • for Episode 4 – https://apo-opa.info/3LuTgII

The Merck Foundation has also released three songs in three languages: ‘NO more Diabetes, Sugar Free’ in English, ‘Dites non au Diabète’ in French, and ‘Chega de Diabete’ in Portuguese. In addition, a remix of the three languages has been released.

Furthermore, the Merck Foundation has issued a Call for Entries for its “Diabetes & Hypertension” Media, Film, Song, and Fashion Awards 2023 in collaboration with African First Ladies. The four awards are for media, musicians, fashion designers, filmmakers, students, and fresh potential talents in these disciplines. The awards’ aim is to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about diabetes and hypertension prevention and early detection. “I encourage all of our talented artists and media representatives to apply for these awards at submit@merck-foundation.com,” Dr. Rasha Kelej said.

Awards Specifications:

  1. Merck Foundation 2023 Media Recognition Awards “Diabetes & Hypertension”:

Media representatives are asked to demonstrate their work by sending bold and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle and create awareness about diabetes and hypertension prevention and early detection. The deadline for submissions is October 30th, 2023. More information can be found at https://apo-opa.info/40yUJTn.

  1. Merck Foundation Film Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Filmmakers, Students of Film Making Training Institutions, or Young Talents of Africa are invited to create and share a long or short FILMS, either drama, documentary, or docudrama, to deliver strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about diabetes prevention and early detection. The deadline for submissions is October 30th, 2023. More information can be found at https://apo-opa.info/43c8poX.
  1. Merck Foundation Fashion Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Fashion Students and Designers are invited to create and share designs that promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about the prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension. The deadline for submissions is October 30th, 2023. More information can be found at https://apo-opa.info/41dRh0l.
  1. Merck Foundation Song Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Singers and Musical Artists are asked to develop and share a SONG with the goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle and raising awareness about diabetes prevention and early detection.

The deadline for submissions is October 30th, 2023. More information can be found at (https://apo-opa.info/3KDU38v). Entries for all prizes should be sent through email to: submit@merck-foundation.com

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