Manufacturing and Energy

SON Approves National Standards for Biomass Cookstoves in Nigeria

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has approved the Nigerian Industrial Standard for biomass cookstoves developed by the National Mirror Committee on Clean Cooking Solutions and Fuel Standards under the leadership of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria. The National Mirror Committee on Clean Cooking Solutions and Fuel Standards was constituted by the Nigerian Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.

The development of the Standards was necessitated by the increase of different types of biomass clean cookstove with quality and safety issues in the Nigerian markets. Lack of standards and regulations for clean cookstoves hinders stove manufacturers’ efforts to differentiate their stoves and most stove manufacturers had to carry out individual field tests, which leave room for biased quality certifications.

The drive towards the standardization of cookstoves in Nigeria has been ongoing since 2013. The Standards, prior to approval went through several reviews under the leadership of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria. The Standards Organisation of Nigeria had also convened Technical Committee meetings to look at the parameters in the standard for functionality of the cookstove and safety of the users.

The approved standards entail the requirements for design, construction and safety considerations of the biomass cookstove and will ensure that only quality cookstoves are found in the Nigerian Market. The standards will serve as a guide to importers, manufacturers, and users of biomass cookstoves in the country and will help the Nigerian clean cookstoves market make significant progress toward better cookstoves and improved outcomes for consumers who use them.

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