Manufacturing and Energy

Stability and more job opportunities coming to the power sector

Siemens (​) and PANA Infrastructure have joined forces in a strategic partnership to address the electrical infrastructure sector in Nigeria. The goal of this collaboration is to improve power stability and generate job opportunities in Nigeria. By leveraging their expertise, they are committed to strengthening Nigeria’s power sector for the benefit of all Nigerians.

Siemens, a renowned global technology company, and PANA Infrastructure, a Nigerian conglomerate expanding its presence in Sub-Saharan Africa, have officially announced a strategic alliance to revamp and improve Nigeria’s electrical power infrastructure by offering grid automation and smart infrastructure solutions throughout the country. This partnership, solidified through a formal agreement, marks a significant milestone in addressing Nigeria’s urgent electricity challenges while promoting economic growth and technological advancement in the area.

“This collaboration highlights our dedication to promoting sustainable development and advancing technology in Nigeria,” said Sabine Dall’Omo, CEO of Siemens Sub-Saharan Africa. “By leveraging Siemens’ expertise in smart grid technologies alongside PANA Infrastructure’s extensive market knowledge, we aim to ensure a dependable power supply and drive economic prosperity in the region.”

As per Mr. Daere Akobo, Chairman of PANA Holdings, “This strategic partnership with Siemens presents a crucial opportunity to revolutionize Nigeria’s power sector. We are committed to addressing Nigeria’s critical power infrastructure using cutting-edge low voltage, medium voltage, and smart grid management technologies. This collaboration aligns with the Nigerian government’s power sector transformation agenda to significantly enhance power supply in the country, leading to economic advancement for all Nigerians.”

Siemens and PANA Infrastructure Partnership

The agreement between Siemens and PANA Infrastructure is aimed at improving grid reliability and stability, increasing electrification rates to keep up with the growing demand for electricity in Nigeria. At the same time, the partnership recognizes Nigeria’s potential for significant investments in industrial modernization, focusing on unlocking the country’s industrial power sector. This joint effort seeks to transform Nigeria’s industrial landscape by utilizing advanced technologies and solutions to boost productivity, efficiency, and quality. Through local capacity building and skills enhancement for employees, Siemens and PANA Infrastructure are paving the way for a new era of industrial excellence in Nigeria.

Siemens is dedicated to Nigeria and is actively seeking strategic business opportunities in the region. By employing a go-to-market strategy that includes knowledge platforms, collaborative business approaches, integrated sales and marketing teams, and global support, Siemens aims to deliver substantial business value to the Nigerian market, according to Sabine Dall’Omo.

On the other hand, PANA Infrastructure has established itself as a key player in understanding and addressing the needs of industry stakeholders and local communities. By integrating innovative technologies and forming strategic partnerships, PANA Infrastructure offers sustainable solutions that contribute to Nigeria’s growth across various industry sectors.

The strategic partnership between Siemens and PANA Infrastructure combines expertise and practical knowledge, ensuring the implementation of high-quality solutions for Nigeria’s industrial power sector. By tackling key challenges in Nigeria’s power and industrial sectors, such as electricity losses, rural electrification, capacity building, local production, technology transfer, and quality standards, this collaboration aims to promote sustainable growth and development.

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