Business and Economy

The Average Cost of Eating a Healthy Diet in Nigeria (CoHD) was N786 in December 2023

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the National Average Cost of a Healthy Diet (CoHD) in December 2023 was N786, marking an increase from N703 in October 2023. The Southeast region had the highest average CoHD at N979 per adult per day, while the Northeast region had a lower average of N663 per adult per day during the same period.

It is worth noting that the CoHD has been rising at a faster rate than both general inflation and food inflation in recent months. This increase in CoHD has significant implications, particularly for marginalized communities in the Northeast, as it may worsen food insecurity and undernourishment. To address this issue, the government should implement specific legislation to enhance security and tackle climate change, thereby boosting agricultural output and improving supply chain efficiency.

Additionally, as a temporary solution, the government should introduce social welfare programs and expand interventions to mitigate the impact of the high CoHD, especially for households already facing risks. To ensure affordable access to a healthy diet throughout the year, it is crucial to incentivize financial institutions to develop initiatives that increase funding for agricultural-related businesses, thereby promoting local production and making nutritious food more affordable and accessible for a larger portion of the Nigerian population.

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