The Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria and ECOWAS 2021 Sexual & Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Short Video Competition
Application Deadline:
The Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria and ECOWAS is organising a short video competition on sexual and gender-based violence as a means of eliminating its prevalence in society.

The objective of the competition is to stimulate the awareness of Nigerians on issues of gender-based violence, ensuring that the voices of young people are heard and taken into consideration when shaping and implementing programmes and policies in Nigeria.
Entrants are asked to express what they understand by sexual and gender-based violence and ways to eliminate it in society. Unleash your creativity in a three-minute video to illustrate the positive changes you would like to see. Express it with moving pictures using a true-life story or fiction.
The competition is open to all Nigerians.
How to submit your entry
- WeTransfer
- Google drive
- Upload on your Instagram and tag @EUinNigeria (you can upload in batches – if your Instagram is on private, we will not be able to view your entry)
- Dropbox
- WhatsApp (0901 065 5926) To ensure your video quality does not drop, send as document on WhatsApp
For More Information: