
Call for Proposals: Y+ Global HER Voice Fund 2020

Application Deadline: May 11th 2020

The Global Network of Young People Living with HIV, also known as Y+ Global is pleased to share the Request for Proposals from the HER Voice Fund. The Fund is dedicated to networks and organisations, community groups and civil society organisations working with adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) to support their participation in advocacy, policy activities and events related to Global Fund and other national processes

Y+ Global is an international youth-led network that aims to advocate for the needs of adolescents and young people living with HIV and with the support of  ViiV Healthcare and the Global Fund are offering grants to organisations in 13 priority countries through HER Voice Fund.

Y+ Global HER Voice Fund 2020

We particularly welcome applications from organisations that can demonstrate their capacity to work with and engage AGYW from all levels including and not limited to district, regional and national level. We are looking for applications within the following four areas:

1.Gathering information and stories for AGYW advocacy

This stream is focused on collecting information from adolescent girls and young women, in all their diversity, about the issues they are facing and the changes they want to see. Collecting information is called evidence gathering can be done in lots of different ways, from discussions and dialogues in your organisation; creative projects with young people to collect details of their lives through art or photography; or pieces of research to collect data on the needs and priorities of adolescent girls and young women. Grants can support events and activities that bring AGYW together generate and document the evidence to be used in advocacy (including advocacy which influences policy, legal reform and / or the design and implementation of programmes.)

2. Training and mentoring for policy and advocacy work

Engaging in Global Fund and other national processes around health and HIV can be challenging if you are not familiar if you don’t know much about it. This stream of work will focus on activities carried out by organisations working with AGYW to support their active participation, by offering training and mentoring to build influencing skills and confidence. Grants can be used for training on doing advocacy; public speaking; Global Fund or national processes; or used to provide longer term mentoring support from people with experience of policy processes.

3. AGYW engagement in policy and advocacy

This stream focuses on supporting young women to participate in policy processes and activities and can support them to represent their communities and community needs and priorities. Funds may be used for supporting participation in meetings and events including the production and presentation of evidence from AGYW communities about their lives, in order that policies, programs and interventions can better meet their needs. The development of policy briefs, campaign materials, storytelling, to influence and inform decisions at national, provincial and district level decision making platforms e.g. Country Coordinating Mechanism/ National Strategic planning / PEPFAR Country Operational Planning.

4. Monitoring and accountability

This stream will support activities to monitor whether decision makers are doing what they said they would do to support AGYW and that they are doing it well. Funds may be used to develop monitoring activities within an organisation, to participate in review meetings at national level, or to document and report on the progress on the prioritisation of issues related to AGYW in the country.

Based on eligibility and proposals, successful networks or organisations will receive a maximum of 9,000 Euros for activities.

We remain committed to collaborating on projects, sharing existing resources, learning from each other’s work and strengthening the capacity of AGYW to be actively involved and engaged in decision-making processes that affect their health.

Download forms to check the Eligibility Criteria and the HER Voice Fund Application Form. For an overview of the application process please look at the HER Voice Fund Application Pathway

Submit your proposal and all the requested documents to hervoicefund@yplusnetwork.org by the 11th of May 2020.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Y+ Global HER Voice Fund 2020

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