Business Insights

Invitation to Afrilabs and UNICEF Office of Innovation Webinar on Digital Public Goods

AfriLabs and the UNICEF Office of Innovation have joined forces to launch a Digital Public Goods Webinar Series in Africa, with the goal of unlocking the potential of Digital Public Goods (DPGs) in the region.

This collaborative effort is designed to provide stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and insights to harness the vast potential of DPGs in shaping a better future for Africa.

The webinar series will serve as a valuable platform for exploring the current landscape of DPGs, identifying key challenges and opportunities, and creating a collaborative environment to drive positive change throughout the continent.

Digital public goods encompass various types of resources such as open-source software, open data, open AI models, open standards, and open content. These resources are developed in accordance with privacy regulations and other relevant laws, as well as best practices. Importantly, digital public goods are designed to do no harm and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This definition is from UN-Secretary General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation.” – Digital Public Goods Alliance. Becoming recognized as a Digital Public Good (DPG) opens doors for startups faster growth.

One key advantage of digital public goods is their ability to connect with global networks, enabling them to reach a wider audience and foster collaboration with other organizations. Additionally, they can collaborate with governments, United Nations agencies, and development partners to implement their solutions on a larger scale.

Startup accelerators and other organizations that support early-stage innovations play a crucial role in assisting startups with their growth and development. By creating an environment conducive to the creation of digital public goods, these entities can contribute to making these digital solutions more accessible and accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs on a broader scale.

We encourage you to explore the realm of digital public goods and recognize their significance for Africa’s future. Click to Register for our first webinar and to learn more

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