The Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest 2020 for developers worldwide (USD$1 million total in cash prizes)
Application Deadline: August 30th 2020
The Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest aims to inspire global developers to leverage HMS Core to create innovative apps, bringing smart life services to Huawei device users in 170+ countries and regions.

1. This contest is intended for global developers. You only need to register a HUAWEI ID and complete identity verification.
2. You may not participate in the contest if you are under the age of 18.
3. Employees of Huawei and its affiliates and their immediate relatives should not sign up for the contest.
You can participate in the contest on your own, or as part of a team.
For a team, all members must belong to the same competition region
before participating in the contest in this region.
The rules for setting up a team are as follows:
(1) Each contestant can join only one team.
(2) Each team can have no more than 3 members.
Each team should have a team leader who is responsible for team
management, such as inviting or deleting members, and submitting works.
(4) A member can apply to join a team or leave a team.
The score for a submission to the Contest by a team belongs to the
team. If the member leaves the team, the score obtained shall belong to
the team and not the departing member.
You will be disqualified in any of the following scenarios:
(1) You plagiarize the work of others.
(2) Third-party code plug-ins used in your works are not authorized, and are the source of a legal dispute.
Your works violate Huawei policy including but not limited to HUAWEI
Developer Service Agreement, Agreement on Use of Huawei APIs, AppGallery
Review Guidelines and any other terms and conditions,service
agreements,rules applicable to huawei developer services.
Prizes and wider benefits also include:
- USD$1 million total funded by the Shining-Star Program, in cash prizes in the following categories: Best App, Best Game, Best Social Impact App, Most Popular App, Honorable Mention
- Opportunity to compete on a global stage and showcase technical ability using leading HMS Core
- Discussion with industry experts and Apps UP expert judging panel
- Free access to Huawei Developers events, courses and certifications
How to enter
To enter, participants must register an account on the official website, between 30 June – 30 August 2020 and sign up either as an individual or as a team of up to three members. All apps must be developed integrating HMS Core and submitted on the contest official website before 18:00 UTC+8 on 30 August 2020, where a panel of regional industry experts will score each entry on social value, business value, user experience and originality.
From there, at the stage of public review, the top 20 shortlisted apps in each region will be made available for the public to download on the contest official website or HUAWEI AppGallery from 21 September, making their way to the finals in October.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest 2020